Public Policy Meeting

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Name: Public Policy Meeting
Date: March 28, 2023
Time: 8:30 AM - 9:45 AM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

Wilmington Chamber members are invited to join the next Public Policy Committee, where we monitor legislative and regulatory matters at the local, state, and federal levels. Our goal is to advocate for the business interests of our diverse membership.
On Tuesday, March 28, from 8:30 – 9:45 am, our guest speaker will be Toni Blount, the Regional Impact Manager for the Southeast Region of MyFutureNC. 
Our second guest speaker will be Dr. Lynn Moody, Senior Advisor to SparkNC.
MyFutureNC is working to close the educational attainment gap in North Carolina by ensuring that by 2030, 2 million North Carolinians will have a high-quality credential or a postsecondary degree. Most new jobs in North Carolina require education beyond high school, but less than half of people aged 25-44 have high-quality credentials or postsecondary degrees. This reality affects economically disadvantaged individuals and varies significantly by race and ethnicity. This leads to a mismatch between the education system and the economy, making it difficult for job seekers and employers to find qualified talent.

SparkNC is a revolutionary effort to help our learners engage with high-tech fields like artificial intelligence and machine learning, software development, computer systems engineering, and cybersecurity. Through our interdistrict network, learners will have opportunities to explore these fields and collaboratively prepare for modern work. SparkNC is a completely new way to do school: learner-centered, industry-relevant, and competency-based.
The meeting will occur at the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce, 1 Estell Lee Place, Wilmington, NC 28401. Our guests may park in our parking lot or at the Wilmington Convention Center parking deck. To enter, please go through the gate on the left side of the building facing the Cape Fear River.

A virtual option will be made available for guests who are unable to join us in person. These meetings are open at no cost to members of the Wilmington Chamber.
We hope to see you at this event to learn more about the work being done to improve the educational attainment of all North Carolinians.
Hybrid: You may join us at the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce office or via ZOOM
Contact Information:
Megan Mullins
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