2024 - Intentional Collisions Presented by Excite Credit Union Hosted by Capt'n Bill's Backyard Grill

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Name: 2024 - Intentional Collisions Presented by Excite Credit Union Hosted by Capt'n Bill's Backyard Grill
Date: March 19, 2024
Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EDT
Registration: Sorry, public registration for this event has been closed.
Event Description:
Excite Credit Union is proud and excited to support the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce by sponsoring Intentional Collisions on Tuesday March 19, 2024!

Come join us at Capt'n Bills newly opened Warehouse for an evening of networking fun! Not sure how to network? No worries! We have you covered with an exciting hunt for new connections.  Prizes will be rewarded to our top professional hunters. 

Light bites will be served, inclusive of Capt'n Bill's famous tater tots, and each attendee will receive one drink on the house thanks to Excite Credit Union's sponsorship. CHEERS to seeing you soon!

This event is open to both members and non-members. Registration is required. 

Intentional Collisions is a program of the Wilmington Chamber of Commerce in partnership with our minority business councils with a goal of bringing people together who may not interact in everyday life. We will intentionally collide you during a fun evening of connecting and building relationships. 

Arrival and Registration
A Word from our Presenting Sponsor (Excite Credit Union
Connection Hunt (Prizes will be Awarded)
Intentional Collision Networking

Parking is available at Capt'n Bills Warehouse location and immediately next door in the old movie theatre parking lot for this event. 

Event Sponsors:

Presenting Sponsor

Capt'n Bills Warehouse
107 Cinema Drive
Wilmington NC 28403
Date/Time Information:
5:30-7:30 PM
Contact Information:
April Davis
Free for members and non-members. Registration is required. One drink ticket will be provided. Dinner is not included with registration. Light bites will be served. 
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