2023 - African American Business Council Meeting

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Name: 2023 - African American Business Council Meeting
Date: July 12, 2023
Time: 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM EDT
Registration: Register Now
Event Description:

The vision of the African American Business Council is to strategically position black businesses for inclusion and success through opportunity, education, exposure, entrepreneurship, economic development, and public policy advocacy. We are committed to leading, educating, and advocating to grow African American-owned businesses and to create and grow a thriving African American middle class in Wilmington.

The Wilmington Chamber's African American Business Council theme in 2023 is Moving Your Business Forward with Education towards Growth.


Our co-chairs have outlined the following schedule of meetings and topics for 2023 below. 


  • January 18: Goal Setting
  • February 15: Tax Season Prep
  • March 30: Intentional Collisions
  • April 19: Marketing and Advertising
  • May 17: Prioritizing and Professionalism
  • June TBD: Intentional Collisions
  • July 12: Goal Setting Check In
  • August 16: Risk Assessment
  • September 20: 5 Cs of Credit
  • October 3: Intentional Collisions
  • November 15: Holiday Bazaar
  • December TBD: Mental Health & Wellness 


11:30am-12:00pm - Bring your own lunch; networking and connecting
12:00-1:00pm - Introductions, Guest Speaker, Chamber Announcements


As professionals, we are told that we need to ‘set goals’ if we are going to be successful… unfortunately that's often where the advice stops. That’s like me telling someone who has no knowledge of the accessibility of air travel that you’ll need to fly to get to London; it’s not that I’m telling them a lie, but it’s not exactly helpful. We’re going to change all of that with a little context, a little guidance, and some clarity on those missing pieces of the puzzle. 
In this interactive workshop we will work through the framework for: 

  • Effectively identifying our Personal and Professional goals (as much as we might prefer to have these separate and sovereign, the two are intertwined).
  • Methods we can use to reverse engineer these goals for best results.
  • How to course correct when we fall out of alignment to leverage for maximum impact. 

The hope and expectation is that by the end of this workshop you will walk away more confident and prepared to take on your goals with new tools and techniques for navigating your own unique path to success. 


Brittany Fountain is the Founder & CHO of Britt Joy & Co; a growth and culture strategy firm that places an emphasis on the humanness of organizations. We come alongside those who are contributing to the framework of these initiatives to provide a fresh, unique, and data-informed focus that drives results.

All Chamber members AND non-members are welcome to attend the meeting. 


Wilmington Chamber of Commerce
1 Estell Lee Place Wilmington, NC 28401

Date/Time Information:

The 3rd Wednesday of every month
*Some exceptions apply

Contact Information:
Laura Primavera 910-762-2611 ext 200
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